Beaphar Dental Powder - Louis' Diary

Hi, I am Louis and I am a Cockapoo.  I am 15 months old and my main hobbies are sleeping, stealing socks and barking at the birds.

I was asked by my mum to try Beaphar Dental Powder which apparently will keep my teeth nice and clean and my breath smell better.  I quite like my breath, but my mum says it’s starting to get a bit whiffy and, as I have been chewing a toothbrush rather than letting her brush my teeth, I guess she has a point.

Here’s my diary.

Day One

Mum came home with a small, white bottle of powder that smelt a bit fishy to me.  I am very cautious when it comes to new things (I have two brothers who are 8 and 11 years old to thank for that!) so I ran away!  I wasn’t at all sure about it.  Not sure if I want to go near it to be honest. I did play football with the pot though; loads of fun.

Day Two

So this morning, my mum put something on my dinner.  I love my dinner and I am not quite sure about this one.  I kept walking around my bowl and looking at my mum.  She has put something on my favourite lamb stew! What is this?!

Day Three

Here we go again.  I guess I am going to have to get used to it.  So today, instead of just staring at my dinner, I tasted it.  Wow!  I was not expecting that! Just a little sprinkle on my food and it was great.  And, it was only on my breakfast, so when dinner time came, I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t  on there too – shouldn’t this be on every meal?!

Day Four

I actually stood by my bowl today, ready and waiting (well, I always do but this time it’s different!).  The lovely breakfast was served and I gulped away.  Yum.  I have been smiling at the mirror, and trying to see if my teeth are sparkling yet.  I am not quite sure if they are, but I will test my breath by kissing my mum and brothers.  I am pretty sure that it smells amazing!

Seaweed Superpower! Yum. I have been smiling at the mirror, and trying to see if my teeth are sparkling yet.
