Do I need to worm my cat or dog

Worming your pet is an incredibly important part of being a responsible pet owner. By worming regularly and picking up after your cat or dog, you can help decrease the spread of worm eggs, and the risk of infection to other pets and people.

My pet doesn’t have any symptoms of worms, should I still worm them?

Some pets, particularly adult cats and dogs, will show very few if any signs or symptoms of worms. But, that doesn’t mean they don’t have them, and it certainly doesn’t mean you should give up worming all together.

There are three key reasons why you should worm your pet regularly.

You'll be protecting your pet, the rest of your family, and your environment

1. Protect your pet

Sticking to a regular worming routine helps keep your pet healthy, and prevents a serious worm infestation from taking hold. Adult cats and dogs should be wormed at least once every three months to keep them worm-free.

In kittens and puppies, roundworms in particular are especially dangerous, with infestations potentially leading to serious illness or even death. This is why it is essential to worm new-borns and their mothers every two weeks. You can speak to your pet retailer or vet for further information on worming pregnant or nursing mothers and their young.

2. Protect your family

Certain worms are classed as ‘zoonotic’, meaning they can be transmitted from animals to humans. The dog roundworm, Toxocara canis, and the cat roundworm, Toxocara cati, are probably the best known of these. Human infection may occur if a person swallows the microscopic roundworm eggs, having picked them up from the environment. In some cases, roundworm infestations in people have been linked to blindness, and asthma in children.

Making sure you empty your cat’s litter tray, clean up after your dog and wash your hands after doing so will help protect your family from worms and other diseases. Worm eggs in fresh faeces are not infective to either pets or people, so there is no need to worry about or avoid picking it up.

Picking up your pet's faeces and maintaining a regular worming routine will help reduce the risk of worms to both pets and people.

3. Protect the environment

Most worm eggs are released back into the environment via pet faeces. Sticking to a regular worming routine and picking up after your pet soon after they’ve toileted will help reduce the spread of worm eggs. It also reduces the risk of people and pets picking up or developing a worm infestation.

Which wormer should I use to worm my pet?

The two most common types of worms that affect cats and dogs in the UK are roundworms and tapeworms. These are the two worms you definitely want your chosen wormer to be effective against. 

Beaphar WORMclear® Tablets kill roundworms and tapeworms, and are effective in one simple dose. It is a vet-strength wormer that is available from your pet shop and online, meaning it is both effective and easy to get, no appointment or prescription is necessary.

Also available is vet strength Beaphar WORMclear® Spot-On for Cats, which is ideal for cats that are less accepting of tablets. This easy-to-use spot-on kills all types of immature and mature tapeworms, making it ideal for cats that hunt or those that have recently had a flea infestation.

If you are travelling abroad with your pet, they may be at risk from other types of worms, so you should make sure you choose a suitable product. Speak to your pet retailer or vet if you are unsure.